Change Device's Verification Code

Change Device's Verification Code

The device verification code is used for verifying user identity, as well as encrypting a device's videos (including live videos and recorded video files) and captured pictures. You can change the device verification code for the network camera and Mini Trooper (a kind of camera powered by battery).


For details about how to encrypt a device's videos and captured pictures, see Set Video and Image Encryption.

  1. Enter the Settings page of the device.
    • On the device list page, if the page is in the list mode, swipe the device name to the left and tap .

    • On the device list page, if the page is in thumbnail mode, tap the device name or tap .

    • On the Live View page, tap and then tap Settings.


      For details about how to enter the Live View page, see Start and Stop Live View.

  2. Tap Change Verification Code, and then tap Edit on the pop-up Window to enter the Change Verification Code page.
  3. Enter the old verification code, and then tap Next.
  4. Create a new verification code, and then confirm it.

    If you have enabled the Video and Image Encryption function, new pictures and videos will be encrypted by the new verification code. However, the earlier encrypted pictures and videos still use the old verification code.