Forgot Password


If you forget your password when logging in, follow the steps below to change the password.

  1. On the Hik-Connect login page, tap Forgot Password.
  2. Tap Reset by User Name/Email Address or Reset by Mobile Phone Number.
  3. Input the user name or the email address on the Verify Account page if you select Reset by User Name or Email Address.

    Or input the mobile phone number on the Verify Account page if you select Reset by Mobile Phone Number.

  4. Tap Next. A verification code will be sent to your registered phone or email address.
  5. Input the verification code and tap Next.
  6. Input a new password and confirm the new password on the Reset Password page.
  7. Tap Submit to complete password reset.


  8. STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED–We highly recommend you create a strong password of your own choosing (Using a minimum of 8 characters, including at least three of the following categories: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.) in order to increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly, especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect your product.